
The 金沙赌场大学 Career Development Center serves 雇主 that offer bona fide full-time, 兼职, 实习, 国际, 校园, 通过包括但不限于工作/实习职位的服务,向金沙赌场的在校生提供奖学金职位, 人才招聘会往往会, 信息发布会和校园招聘. 

我们保留拒绝为雇主提供服务的权利,这是由职业发展中心的工作人员决定的,因为任何令人反感的活动, 包括, 但不限于: requiring at the time of application personal information such as bank and social security number; misrepresentation by dishonest information or absence of information; student complaints; fraud; failure to adhere to Career Development Center policies or any violation of 金沙赌场大学, 当地的, 状态, 或者联邦法律.


NOTE: These principles are not all-inclusive; they are intended to serve as a framework within which the career planning, 放置, 招聘流程应该发挥作用, 作为提升专业精神的基础.

  • 金沙赌场大学职业发展中心将为组织/公司/雇主提供服务和招聘机会,只要他们:
    • 提供真正的全职工作, 兼职, 实习, 国际, 校园, 和奖学金职位招收金沙赌场的学生和校友.
    • 遵守公司指定的雇佣指导方针 U.S. 劳工部, 美国残疾人法案, 平等就业机会委员会的指导方针 , NACE职业行为准则, 金沙赌场社区学院学区政策 & 程序 以及地方、州和联邦法律. 雇主使用基于种族的筛选标准是非法的, 性别, 种族, 婚姻状况, 残疾, 年龄, 等.
    • 与…一致 家庭教育权利和隐私法, ensure that candidate information provided to 雇主 is released only to the identified employer. 考生资料不得再次披露.
    • Maintain an open and free selection of employment opportunities in an atmosphere conducive to objective thought, 在哪里,求职者可以选择与个人目标和所有相关事实相一致的最佳长期用途. 遵守下面列出的“工作邀请政策”.
    • 避免在招聘活动中提供或提供学生酒, 包括有一个免费的酒吧, 付费酒吧, 或者在酒吧举办招聘活动都是不合适的.
    • 不提供涉及未经授权的招揽的机会, 投寄资料, 或销售产品和服务.
    • 不需要任何形式的付款或投资-组织本身作为保护伞或母公司. 这类投资可能包括, but are not limited to: requirement to attend unpaid orientation or training sessions; direct payment of a fixed fee; direct payment to be placed into a job or 实习, 支付申请费的要求, payment to attend orientation or training sessions; and/or purchase or rent of a starter kit, 销售工具, 样品, 或者展示用品.
    • Are willing to provide written documentation of registration with a Better Business Bureau if so requested.
    • 使用有效的电子邮件地址,最好与公司的网站相匹配.
    • 在注册过程中, 提供完整的公司地址, 对公司的详细描述, 工作网站, 以及雇主的全名和姓氏. 注册任何服务的个人如果没有适当的识别信息,将不会被授予招聘特权.
    • Adhere to and follow the 工作邀请政策 listed near the end of this document.
  • When posting any type of position in Handshake 雇主 must adhere to the above and also must:
    • Accurately describe the responsibilities and requirements of all posted positions.
    • Provide essential information concerning the nature of the position or compensation, 包括, 但不限于:佣金, 工作职责, 工资, 申请人的要求.
    • 如果一个职位只收取佣金,请在职位描述中列出,并在“工资水平”栏中清楚地公布.
    • 如果该职位注明“已付”(按任何时间尺度计算,如小时),则至少支付加利福尼亚州的最低工资, 每周, 次, 每月或每年).
    • 不要求应聘者提供可能成为非法筛选标准的信息,如照片或社交媒体访问信息,除非能证明这些信息与工作有关.
  • Third party 雇主 (employment 年龄ncies and search firms) must adhere to the above and also must:
    • 识别 themselves as a third party and 状态 so at the top of all job postings (ex. “我们是代表我们的客户寻找候选人的第三方招聘人员.”).
    • 识别, 如果需要的话, 有关中介机构和雇主之间关系性质的信息,并允许职业服务中心通过联系所代表的雇主来核实这些信息. 然而,y do not need to reveal the identity of the employer being represented in the job postings.
    • 为有效的职位空缺提供职位描述.
    • 不使用, 取, 下载, 或者以任何其他方式获取雇主的招聘信息,以便填充他们自己组织的职位空缺数据库. 这意味着你不能出售, 转移, or in any other manner provide access to job postings to any person or entity outside of your organization, 而不是向有实际职位空缺或需要临时工的客户组织提供潜在求职者的信息.
    • Refrain from postings that contain URLs or links to websites to advertise your company or website, 或者到你的职位发布区,或者鼓励用户“发邮件了解更多细节”.
  • Employers with commission-based or franchise opportunities must adhere to the above and also must:
    • 披露报酬部分或全部基于佣金.
    • Do not require that any part of the compensation be associated with recruiting others.
    • 披露的机会是通过特许经营经营自己的业务.
    • Do not charge penalties, fees or withhold earnings if the franchise leaves the program.
  • 招聘实习生的雇主必须遵守上述规定,并须:
    • Abide by the criteria for an experience to be defined as an 实习, set forth by 美国大学与雇主协会.S. 实习.
    • 清楚地表明该职位主要是为了学生的教育和职业培训利益,并且不涉及超过20%的文书工作. There must be supervision by professional staff, ongoing training, and feedback.
    • 不保证报酬取决于试用或培训期间, 并/或保证潜在实习生的就业机会.
    • Offer qualifying compensation for the 实习; 实习 with for-profit companies should be paid at least minimum w年龄. For-profit companies offering unpaid, stipend, and/or 实习s that require credit must: 维护 劳工部公平劳动标准法实习情况说明书第71号 证明员工关系不存在的六个标准:
      • 的实习, 即使它包括对雇主设施的实际操作, 类似于在教育环境中进行的培训;
      • 实习经历是为了实习生的利益;
      • The intern does not displace regular employees, but works under close supervision of existing staff;
      • The employer that provides the training derives no immediate advant年龄 from the activities of the intern; and on occasion its operations may actually be impeded;
      • The intern is not necessarily entitled to a job at the conclusion of the 实习;
      • The employer and the intern understand that the intern is not entitled to w年龄s for the time spent in the 实习s.
      • 完成由学院或教师提供的实习生文件和评估(学术实习).
  • When posting any type of position and when communicating with 金沙赌场大学 students, 雇主通信不得包含:
    • Copyrighted material (unless you own the copyright or have the owner's permission to post the copyrighted material).
    • Trade secrets (unless you own them or have the owner's permission to post them).
    • Material that infringes on or misappropriates any other intellectual property rights, 或侵犯他人的隐私权或公开权.
    • 任何非法、淫秽、诽谤、威胁或辱骂的内容.
    • 要求提供社交媒体用户名, 帐户名称, 或者访问社交媒体账户的密码.
    • 虚假的、不准确的或误导性的信息.
    • 广告或商业招揽(包括, 但不限于, 多层次营销职位, 电子邮件的处理器, “俱乐部会员,“代理, 或者任何需要用户投入金钱的东西).
    • 色情业的广告或招聘.
    • 连锁信件或传销.
    • 商业或其他方面的意见或通知.
  • 不满
    • Career Development Center staff will investigate all allegations by users of our services about job postings, 雇主, 或者工作分配. 在调查期间,我们可以撤销雇主对我们服务的使用. 如果职业发展中心认为投诉是合理的, 我们可以选择不向雇主提供招聘活动. 职业发展中心将以书面形式通知雇主. Such grievances may be grounds for report to the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), 以及随后从握手系统中移除.
  • 我们政策的例外情况
    • 我们保留在我们认为可以接受且对学生有利的情况下对我们的政策做出例外的权利, 我们部门, 或者招聘人员使用我们的服务. 此类例外情况将逐案考虑, 也不构成政策的改变, 或者决定这个例外将在未来再次发生.


因此, 我们希望所有的雇主都能遵守以下的录取政策,让学生有足够的时间仔细考虑就业选择,并按照规定行事 National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) Principles of Professional Conduct 哪个州, “就业 professionals will refrain from any practice that improperly influences and affects job acceptance. 这种做法可能包括不适当的时间压力,以接受就业机会和鼓励撤销另一个就业机会.” 金沙赌场大学 Career Development Center understands that the landscape of recruitment is very competitive, 尤其是在寻找最优秀人才的时候. 我们制定了这些指导方针,为学生和雇主提供一个公平的机会, transparent and up-to-date framework for managing the offer phase of the recruitment process.

学生 need time to make informed decisions when comparing and responding to offers. 为了促进这个过程, please provide students with a MINIMUM of two weeks from the date of the written offer, 但最好是更长, 接受或拒绝. 在某些情况下, students may ask for extensions beyond this deadline; we encour年龄 you to accommodate their requests whenever possible.

It is important to keep in mind that 金沙赌场大学 students are pursuing programs to further their professional training and skill development; please do not make job offers that pressure students to terminate or leave their program of study prior to completion.

An exploding offer is any offer that does not conform to the aforementioned timetables. 雇主不应该向学生提供或强迫他们接受“提前”的offer,包括那些需要快速回应的offer, 他们也不应该附加奖金减少的激励措施, 减少了位置偏好选项, 等. Further, asking a student to make a decision on the spot is also considered inappropriate.

爆发式增长的工作机会给学生们施加了不必要的压力,迫使他们在完成面试之前就做出决定,也没有给他们足够的时间来权衡就业选择,做出明智的决定. We discour年龄 student to make rushed decisions about offers for which they cannot fully abide. 这种仓促的决定给所有相关方带来了不和和痛苦.


We strongly encour年龄 雇主 to consider every alternative before revoking an offer of employment. NACE 建议那些必须撤销承诺的雇主证明他们已经尽了一切可能来避免撤销承诺, 然后考虑其他选择. 在撤销要约之前, please notify our office to explore alternatives and share relevant circumstances.

Employers violating any of these policies may be denied access to the recruiting program for the following season. 每种情况都将根据具体情况进行评估.